J. Vahvanen and M. Kokkola founded Battlelore in 1999. Their first promo CD "Warrior´s Tale" was released that same year.
Gründung und Vorgeschichte:
Melodic, dark, progressive music.
Beardfish were formed in 2000 by guitarist David Zackrisson and singer, guitarist, keyboardist Rikard Sjöblom. The group includes bassist Robert Hansen and drummer Magnus Östgren.
"Elements of a gloomier Joy Division, an angrier Echo & The Bunnymen, a medicated Killing Joke and even a lush layering of Peter Murphy"
Formed in the summer of ‘99 Becoming The Archetype is an experienced band with a uniquely mature sound and uncompromising passion for their beliefs. Their name says it all.
Bedemon was an offshoot of very early Pentagram (circa 1973).
