"HERCULES PROPAGANDA ist ein dreckiges Vieh aus der Unterwelt, das geballte Manneskraft mit primitiver Weltraumästhetik und verkrustetem Rock'n'Roll verbindet."
Heresy was founded in 2001 by Erik Gärdefors. Heresy´s music and lyrics were to emphasize something, extreme and magnificent on the basis of different forms of metal and atmospheric music.
Heretoir is a German post-black metal project that was founded by Eklatanz in 2006.
HERMAN RAREBELL is a genuine project of four pro musicians fascinated by extreme music. Their mother bands, ANTIGAMA and THIRD DEGREE, played together at the "Grind Manifesto 2003".
Inspired by the urban angst of Cincinnati, Ohio during the late 1990’s, Hermano began as a project conceived by producer Dandy Brown.
Michael Hero who is the founder of the band was raised in the cold northern part of Sweden. He started to play guitar when he was 9 years old, rocking out to Kiss and many more.
We play music. 2 of us have tattoos. 4 of us have facial hair. 1 of us has a white streak in his hair from being struck by lightning...
Herodias is a doom metal band encompassing a range of contemporary funeral doom with classical vocals.
HERZPARASIT ist das neue Projekt von Sänger Ric-Q Winther und Gitarrist El Toro. Ric-Q war ebenfalls Frontmann, Texter und Sänger der Münchner Deutschrocker „redLine“.
HeXeN is a Los Angeles based metal band that has been continuously active since 2003, fusing inspirations from all the different flavors of the genre to construct their own brand of music.
Die Band wurde 1999 als Drei - Mann - Projekt von Basser Ingo Kuhoff und den damaligen Bandmitglieder Andreas Klapper (Gitarre) und Jürgen Langner (Drums) gegründet.
Hexvessel is a psychedelic folk-rock band from Finland that was founded by Englishman Mat McNerney after he moved to Helsinki in 2009.
Basierend auf älteren Inspirationen und aus verschiedenen Ideen zusammengesetzt, wurde HIBERNIHILUM im Februar 2007 als experimentelles Solo-Projekt von Lykarch (Konzeption, Gesang, Texte) gegründet.
