Die Band wurde Ende 1989 unter dem Namen MORTUARY gegründet und bereits in den Anfangstagen, widmete man sich einer extremen Form des Death Metals, welche die Band auch noch die nächsten Jahre begleit
Official biography of IN AETERNUM1992 The birth of what later on should be IN AETERNUM. Started out as Behemoth.
In Battle formed in 1996 when Frölén (guitar/bass), Östlund-Sandin (vocals) and Wiklund (drums) of ODHINN joined forces with Sjödin (guitar/bass, a.k.a. Mysteriis) of SETHERIAL.
Hailing from the Twin Cities, In Defence has made quite a name for themselves over the years.
In Disgrace gehen aus der Mitte 1996 gegründeten Band Contempt hervor.
"In Division" was formed in 2011 in Hamburg, Germany. They have recently finished the recordings of their first 5 Track EP with producer Eike Freese at Hammer Studios (worked with f.e.
In Dread Response are a five piece metal band hailing from Auckland City, New Zealand.
Formed in the year of 2000, In Mourning has been active as a band for over 11 years.
Hailing from France, IN OTHER CLIMES is a mix of thrash, metal and hardcore.
n Slumber return with a new bass player Kay Brem (Eluveitie) with the elegant bastard "ARCANE DIVINE SUBSPECIES",an emotional mixture of modern as well
