With humble beginnings in Baltimore and then solidifying their lineup in Raleigh, North Carolina, the genre-blending quintet called alesana has come a long way in order to bring you their musical visi
The day is the seventh of June, 1692. The place: Port Royal, Jamaica.
ALEV ist nicht nur der Name der Sängerin, aus dem Türkischen übersetzt bedeutet es „Flamme“ und entsprechend lodert das musikalische Feuer das die Band live und im Studio abbrennt.
i was born in venice, italy, started listening to music at an early age, my parents were always playing classical and jazz albums and the very first piece of music i remember hearing (other than the r
Alexisonfire rose up out of the Southern Ontario underground in late 2001 like some monstrous and utterly captivating car-accident-in-progress.
Alghazanth is an artistic entity that channels the twin stream of all-devouring Darkness and the profound Enlightenment that lies hidden therein.
Alias Caylon bestehen seit Januar 2001 und kommen aus Flensburg/Schleswig.
Alias Eye wurde 1998 gegründet, als Philip Griffiths, Matthias Richter, Frank Fischer und Ludwig Benedek, die schon seit über vier Jahren zusammen spielten, den Keyboarder Vytas Lemke in die Band aufn
When asked "why now?" for an Alien reunion, Borg said "It just felt right.
AlienLimbSign aus Hamburg wurden im Sommer 2009 von Gitarrist Möbius, Bassist Sören und Drummer Chris gegründet.
The band was founded in 1997, and our guitarist is the only man who´s been in it from the beginning. A lot of people, a lot of progress. Weve definitely had a good time with all of you, Thanks!
A four-piece progressive metal / doom / sludge -ensemble from Copenhagen, formed in 2016.
Meine Damen und Herren, es ist allerhöchste Zeit für ein paar berauschende neue Lieder, die den perfekten Soundtrack für die Sommermonate abgeben.
All Else Failed is a five piece hailing from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. We got started on July 4th, 1995.
Gothenburg is Sweden’s metal heart, with 30 musicians for every 100 residents.
The band was formed in late 2002, Their first album “Start At Zero”(MCD) was released in July 2004.
All Guns Blazing are a 5-Piece band from Bath in the South West of the United Kingdom.
